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View Full Version : Red Giant Composite Wizard v1.4.9 (Mac OSX)

23-07-15, 08:01 AM
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Red Giant Composite Wizard v1.4.9 (Mac OSX) | 270 MB

Red Giant's Composite Wizard 1.4.6 is the classic After Effects compositing package that professional artists know and love. This inexpensive set of 20 filters offers easy solutions for fixing tattered edges, poor matte extractions, improper focal depth cues, and unbalanced color schemes. After the greenscreen is keyed, Composite Wizard uses time-tested tools to seamlessly integrate your subject and background layers.

Superior Edge control
Edge Blurs and Matte Feathers integrate your subject with the rest of the scene. Deluxe Edge Finder even gives an accurate border on glows and halos

Remove unwanted artifacts
Eliminate light spills, smooth uneven screen colors, reduce video/grain noise, and even remove objects like wires and rigs

Get a professional key
Get a finished composite using plug-ins including Light Wrap, Composite Color Matcher, Super Compound Blur and Deluxe Edge Finder

Easy green-screen touchups
Red Giant's Composite Wizard 1.4.6 is the classic After Effects compositing package that professional artists know and love. This inexpensive set of 20 filters offers easy solutions for fixing tattered edges, poor matte extractions, improper focal depth cues, and unbalanced color schemes. After the greenscreen is keyed, Composite Wizard uses time-tested tools to seamlessly integrate your subject and background layers. Composite Wizard 1.4.6 is also a part of Red Giant's Effects Suite 11.1.

Composite Wizard 1.4 Features:
Composite Wizard's classic filters work just the way you remember with little to no learning curve.
Use Primatte Keyer to remove the green-screen background, then apply Composite Wizard to make your composite look perfect.
Generate composites that make your animations and scenes look more organic and photo-realistic.
Ideal for use on legacy projects that depend on Composite Wizard filters.

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