View Full Version : [MU] [Leech] Release Ex901 for test
29-06-15, 06:26 PM
File server Ex901 for test
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press like :thumbup1:
Client+Server :
MuServer_S901 Server Files+Client(No Sound)
PassWord :MuOnline Server S901 By Show40
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Leech về Anh em test cho box MU thêm sôi động, Lâu rồi không vào 4fum ^^. Dạo này toàn hàng mới!
29-06-15, 09:03 PM
lỗi nhiều lắm ^^!. Những cái cơ bản còn bug , tính năng SS9 chưa thấy đâu ^^!
10-07-15, 01:18 PM
Hình ảnh sever này fix lổi bên ragezone
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b> pg
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|================================================= ============================
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
|================================================= ============================
|================================================= ===========================
| - Fixes
|================================================= ===========================
|-> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Cracker error N: / driver
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Date Folder reformulated and translated
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Socket Serial error
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Socket invalid corrected
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] nick Authority Webzen Disabled
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Skills Hack Disconnect corrected
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Released all personagen breeding boxes in selectchar
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Creation of all the characters Released
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Redone the characters of Creation MONK MAGUMSA Darklord
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Try Attack In Not Attack Area (% s,% d,% d)
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Removed Debug log "Decrypt1> ALG:% d, ENC:% d, DEC:% d, Serial:% d,% d"
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Removed Debug log "Decrypt1> Failed% d"
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Removed Debug log "Decrypt2> ALG:% d, ENC:% d, DEC:% d, Serial:% d"
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Removed Debug log "Decrypt2> Failed% d"
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Removed Debug log gObjCalCharacter status in the Game
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Removed Creation of test.log
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added MasterSkillTree System MONK season 9.2
|================================================= ============================
| - Customization
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] UDP port configurable
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] delete Players without ID Configurable
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] delete guild without configurable ID
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Player not resurrect throwing items on the floor
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Time to select configurable char and exit the Game
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Item Percentage of time in Configurable floor
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] System Configurable News
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] system for GameMaster (GameMasterSystem)
| -> [EX901] [GS /] Added System with the GameMaster's speech Log in
| -> [EX901] [GS /] Added System time for the NPC Gambled appear and disappear
|================================================= ============================
| - New PVP system
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added new PvP PlugIM
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added switch to turn the system
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added System CalCharacter fully configurable eX901 [NEW]
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added PvP balance system fully configurable eX901 [NEW]
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added System% damage Reflet eX901 [NEW]
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added System% of Skills damage and buffs eX901 [HOT]
|================================================= ============================
| - New Support for PK
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX700] [GS / GSCS] PK sell and buy in the shop
| -> [EX700] [GS / GSCS] PK move in configurable game
| -> [EX700] [GS / GSCS] PK Dropping Items to die configurable
| -> [EX700] [GS / GSCS] PK and Hero Infinite limit
|================================================= ============================
| - Announcement Automatic System
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added switch to turn the system
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Global announcement message when you enter the game
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Global announcement message when player leaves the game
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Global announcement message when GamemMaster enters the game
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Global announcement message when GamemMaster leaves the game
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Global announcement message when someone Loga paw 3 types of Vip
|================================================= ============================
| - New self test system
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added switch to turn the system
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added command ON / OFF to turn the system [NEW]
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added time in seconds of sending experience
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added level limit to receive the experience
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added LevelUpPoint configurable self experience
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added switch to turn on the system map
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added key to check the type of VIP map
|================================================= ============================
| - Slider Msg Automatic System
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Added switch to turn the system
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] 7 Slider configurable message
|================================================= ============================
| - GameServer Protect
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] WPE chest Hacker
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] WPE trade Hacker
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Dupar items in Chaos Box
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Anti-Speed [NEW]
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] Creation of LOG_Hack Logs folder and [NEW]
|================================================= ============================
| - Players commands [with control of all Syntax]
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Info -> Server Information
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Online -> Informa Online
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / OpenWare -> Open the chest at any place
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Post -> With flood protection system and in 4 colors
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / PKClear -> Clear the Player Pk
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / HeroClear -> Clear the Player Hero
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / AddPK -> Adds the pk in the level that the player wishes
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / AddPoints -> Add points of status player player
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Zen -> Adds the Zen player want
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / ClearInv -> Clear the inventory Player 3 ways
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Skin -> Command turn into monsters
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Reset -> Reset command the player
|================================================= ============================
| - Command Gamemaster [with control of all Syntax]
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Drop -> Command to create items
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / MoveAll -> Move all players
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / MoveGuild -> Move all Guild
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Desconect -> Disconnect Player
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Trace -> Go to the player
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Track -> brings the player
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Block -> Blocks Player
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / unblock -> Unlock Player
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Ban -> Banish account
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / unban -> unban account
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] / Reload -> Reloads the configs of (.dll)
|================================================= ============================
| - New Chat System Gamemaster
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS]! -> Global GM Original message
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] # -> Global GM message with name on the front
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] $ -> Global GM message with name on
|================================================= ============================
| - New Ranking System
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] New Resets Ranking system monthly and weekly Daily Total
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] New Pk Ranking system monthly and weekly Diario full
| -> [EX901] [GS / GSCS] New Hero Ranking system monthly and weekly Daily Total
|================================================= ============================
| - New SQL System
|================================================= ============================
| -> [EX901] [SQL] New Connection with SQL
| -> [EX901] [SQL] compatible SQL 2008 and 2014
| -> [EX901] [SQL] Resets query with syntax Control
| -> [EX901] [SQL] query Hero of Syntax Control
| -> [EX901] [SQL] query Pk with Syntax Control
| -> [EX901] [SQL] Automatic Installation of SQL Columns
| -> [EX901] [SQL] Auto Cleaning prey accounts in ConnectStat
Credits: Mr.Haziel Developer
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
Continued ...
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