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View Full Version : GFI EndPointSecurity.6.0 Build 20130719

11-06-15, 07:47 PM
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GFI EndPointSecurity 6.0 Build 20130719 | 68.4 MB

Protect Your Network from Portable Devices such USB drives, iPods, and PDAs. The proliferation of consumer devices such as iPods, USB devices, Smart Phones and more, has dramatically increased the risk of intentional and unintentional data leaks and other malicious activity. While most companies have anti-virus software, firewalls, email and web content security to protect against external threats, few realize how easy it is for an employee to simply walk in and copy large amounts of sensitive data onto an iPod or USB stick. There is also an increased risk of malicious and other illegal software introduction to your network through these devices. Of course your administrator could lock down all ports, an ill-advised, difficult and unsustainable solution.

Prevent Data Theft and Virus Infection from within with Endpoint Security Software. Many businesses are unaware of, or choose to ignore, the threat presented by portable devices in their network environment until some event, ranging from unfortunate to catastrophic, happens. According to eMedia research, few small to medium sized businesses consider portable storage devices to be a major threat with fewer than 20% having implemented software to mitigate the risk. The key to managing portable devices in your business environment is to give your administrators direct control over what devices are in use on your network. With GFI EndPointSecurity you not only gain control over what is in use but you also know what has been used and by who, and most importantly you gain in-depth knowledge of what data has been copied.

Control Portable Device Access to Your Network with GFI EndPointSecurity

GFI EndPointSecurity allows administrators to actively manage user access and log the activity of:
- Media players, including iPods, Creative Zen and others
- USB drives, CompactFlash, memory cards, CDs, floppies & other portable storage devices
- PDAs, BlackBerry handhelds, mobile phones, smart phones and similar communication devices
- Network cards, laptops and other network connections.

Prevent the risk of data leakage

Bring your own device (BYOD) and portable storage device use in the workplace significantly increase the likelihood of your business facing data leakage issues. GFI EndPointSecurity features risk assessment capabilities that identify assets possibly doubling as sources of data leaks. All functionality is built into a dashboard that provides relevant information, suggestions for boosting protection, and shortcuts to common security tasks.

Assess and control information that travels across endpoints

The data awareness module provides another layer of endpoint protection by scanning each relevant file and searching for the most common types of information susceptible to a security breach (e.g. SSNs, PANs, etc.). The module supports inputs in the form of regular expressions and dictionary files. It also contributes to your data loss prevention (DLP) and compliance efforts.

Easily control access to portable storage devices

From a single location, easily grant temporary network or workstation access to portable storage devices for a set period of time as well as block devices by class, file extension, physical port or device ID.

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