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View Full Version : MacFamilyTree 7.3.4 Multilingual (Mac OS X)

03-04-15, 11:16 PM
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MacFamilyTree 7.3.4 Multilingual | MacOSX | 227 MB

MacFamilyTree 7 - Genealogy for OS X. Discover your family history! Learn where you hail from, who your ancestors were and find out intriguing facts about your family. MacFamilyTree 7 helps you explore and visualize your family history in many ways - whether you want to display family relationships in reports, charts or our innovative 3D Virtual Tree, MacFamilyTree 7 is the right solution for you. Investigating and managing your genealogy data has never been easier - synchronize it with iCloud, create websites or do your online research using our gigantic database. Or install MobileFamilyTree on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch and you're good to do your research on the go!

Smart User Interface - Beautifully designed for Yosemite
We love customer feedback - and we let your words become our actions! You'll see many of your valuable suggestions implemented in our new and improved MacFamilyTree 7, which is now even easier and more comfortable to manage. Some features, such as person and family entry, we've revamped for you from scratch. Switch between persons, add new relatives at the click of a mouse and browse your data faster than ever to find out who's in your database already or where you're still missing important information.

It takes just one glance to see who you're related to or who your direct ancestors are. Have your family take a peek at their history by bringing printouts of ancestor charts, fan charts, descendant charts, statistics or personal and family reports to your next get-together. MacFamilyTree turns data and facts into informative reports and charts.

Made for Mac
It's fast, reliable and has beautiful design - here's why: MacFamilyTree is not just another Windows app that's been ported over to Mac OS X. Developed exclusively for Mac OS X, MacFamilyTree draws on a wide range of core technologies from Apple's latest operating systems. Many user interface elements are based on Apple's CoreAnimation technology, making sure that MacFamilyTree is a pleasure to work with on your Mac.

Core Data, a modern database technology, is ready to take on even the biggest challenges - your Mac will run smoothly even when handling a 10,000 person family tree. Recent Macs running OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9 or 10.10 Yosemite execute MacFamilyTree in 64-Bit mode to harness even the tiniest last bit of your Mac's computing power.

16 years of MacFamilyTree
MacFamilyTree celebrates its 16th birthday this year. Seven big versions and a vast number of smaller updates have been published in that time. Have a look at MacFamilyTree's history from version 1 in 1998 to version 7.3 that's just been released. We have completed the history with an image of every version to give you a visual impression of MacFamilyTree's development over the past 16 years.

Supported Languages & System Requirements
MacFamilyTree is available in 16 languages. The user interface, including all buttons, labels and menu entries, automatically adapts to the language settings in your Mac's System Preferences. Currently, the following languages are available: English, German, Danish, French, Chinese, Finnish, Norwegian, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Hungarian, Polish

Completely New Edit Mode and much improved navigation
The edit mode has been fully redesigned in order to offer you much faster navigation. The new navigation bar helps you to browse forward and backward with just a click

New User Interface adopting the new OS X Yosemite design
A new, easy-to-use interface that is beautifully arranged, and faster than ever before!

New Interactive Tree
Navigate through your family tree or add persons and events in the very same view. In case you use FamilySearch, the Interactive family tree displays all persons not yet in your family tree but available in FamilySearch's giant database.

Associated Persons
Enter associated persons, such as godparents, or witnesses of births and deaths.

Improved Source management
New edit user interface for entering and managing your sources and repositories.

Vastly Improved Person Merge
Searching and merging of persons has been redeveloped and greatly improved.

Global Search & Replace
Having misspelled one family's name, has this now spread to dozens of entries? No problem at all! The new search and replace feature allows you to easily correct this kind of mistake.

iCloud Integration
MacFamilyTree 7 now relies exclusively on iCloud to keep your family trees up to date on different devices. If enabled, MacFamilyTree 7's iCloud feature automatically synchronizes the data on your Mac with your mobile devices such as the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. The new „iCloud Drive" is supported, too (iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite required).

If you wish to use your iPhone to continue a project you started on your Mac or vice versa, go right ahead! Edit any one person in your iPhone family tree, and the same information will appear instantly in MacFamilyTree. Handoff requires a recent iPhone or iPad with iOS 8 installed, and a recent Mac running OS X Yosemite.

Search and Share Using FamilySearch
Access the world's largest genealogy archive and its one billion entries. It's completely free - no additional cost or subscription fees!

Completely new Web Export
MacFamilyTree's Web Export has been completely re-written and has become more flexible and better than ever before. Publish your family tree as a webseite, either for free on MacFamilyTree.com or your own web server.

Improved GEDCOM Import and Export
The GEDCOM format is the one standard format that allows the exchange of genealogy data between different genealogy applications. MacFamilyTree 7 further improves GEDCOM import and export.

New Virtual Tree
The Virtual Tree has been rewritten from scratch, offering increased reliability and performance, and displaying even the most complex family constellations.

Virtual Globe 2.0
Maps in High Definition... and simply beautiful! The freely rotatable globe automatically displays all personal and family events such as births, graduations, weddings and emigrations

Name Distribution Chart
This completely new chart shows you the distribution of last names in your family tree and the changes that occurred over time

Figures in All Charts
Do you love how the interactive family tree looks? With MacFamilyTree 7 you can now apply this look to all of your charts!

Completely rewritten Reports
Define styles, background images and ornaments, create PDF files with just one click or rely on the vastly improved printing features including page layout settings. Export all reports in up to 16 different languages.

New Plausibility Report
Plausibility Report is a completely new feature that analyzes your family tree, and points towards possible erroneous entries. By using this feature you can discover inconsistencies, and easily resolve them.

Improved Navigation in All Reports
Every name you see in a report is clickable, enabling you to quickly navigate directly to the specific person's information.

Improved Media Management
Import media much more quickly, and without any loss of quality.

Backup Manager
Create and manage backups directly from within MacFamilyTree.

More Speed
MacFamilyTree 7 has undergone intense speed tuning. Countless optimizations and performance enhancements have resulted in a user experience that is snappier than ever before.

Better Coordinated Look-up
Searching for coordinates has been vastly improved. You can now find more towns, and find them faster than ever!

Dropbox Folder
If you prefer not to use Apple's iCloud, you now have the option of setting your Dropbox folder to be MacFamilyTree's data storage location and sync option.

Requirements: Mac OS X 10.7 - 10.10 (Yosemite fully supported)
Language: English, German, Danish, French, Chinese, Finnish, Norwegian, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Hungarian, Polish

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