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27-01-15, 01:50 AM
SuperMemo UX Extreme English Edition 2010 Complete Collection (26.1.2015)

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SuperMemo UX Extreme English Edition 2010 Complete Collection
Basic Intermediate Advanced Proficiency Grammar and Idioms in Use
Interface: English/German/Polish | Image ISO | 3.8 GB
RAR 5% Recovery Record

The Intensive Vocabulary Training System is a set of comprehensive vocabulary courses aimed for everyone who would like to increase their scope of vocabulary in English. Learning with the courses is based on the recognised SuperMemo method of repetition that has received numerous awards. With the method, students will notice their progress very fast, which guarantees satisfaction and motivation to continue learning.

SuperMemo Method
SuperMemo is a method of computer-aided learning based on research into long-term memory. It provides the learner with an optimum plan of repetition while studying. Repetition is crucial to knowledge retention as it prevents forgetting. By analysing the processes of retention and forgetting for each user individually, SuperMemo finds the optimum timing for reviewing the material. Each item of information is set with a unique pattern of repetition. With SuperMemo, you waste no time on repeating material you remember well. The method aims at allowing the learners to reach their required level of knowledge retention with a minimum amount of repetition and time spent on revisions. By changing the required level of retention the learners can make the system plan their learning schedule more or less intensively. The system sets repetition in daily intervals and requires systematic use for optimum results. With regular learning and repeating for just 10 minutes a day, a student working with SuperMemo can learn over 500 new words per month with an average retention exceeding 95%.

SuperMemo in 3 sentences
SuperMemo is based on research into long-term memory
SuperMemo finds the optimum timing for reviewing the material.
SuperMemo adapts the learning schedule to the learners abilities, difficulty of the material and the required level of retention.

SuperMemo effectiveness guarantee

Basing on the data from the learning process, SuperMemo assigns each item of information its current difficulty level and predicts how long you will remember it. Your next review is planned shortly before the expected moment of forgetting.

Some facts about memory

Non-deductive information requires repeating in order to be remembered. Statistically, a simple information item (like a date, number, or a new foreign word) is remembered for up to several days without recalling it through use, association or repetition. Successive repetition tends to reinforce memory traces, therefore the intervals between repetition necessary to keep the information in the memory become longer.

SuperMemo retention guarantee
In SuperMemo, the rate of recall (proportion of right and wrong answers) is measured constantly during regular repetition. Intervals between repetition are set dynamically so that you reach your required level of knowledge retention.

Extreme English Basic

2,200 words most frequently used in English
13,000 exercises
5,400 examples
2 hours of recordings

The Extreme English Basic course is a set of 2,200 basic words most commonly used in the English language. This course includes vocabulary items required for the following exams: Cambridge Young Learners of English (YLE) at all levels: Starters, Movers and Flyers, and Cambridge Key English Test (KET). This vocabulary range is necessary to communicate easily at A1 and A2 levels, according to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. With the use of the vocabulary at these levels, the learner can easily describe basically all the meanings in a given language. Mastering this set of vocabulary items allows the learners to understand the spoken and written language and to talk about basic everyday topics.

Extreme English Intermediate

9,800 words recommended for the PET, FCE and BEC exams
59,000 exercises
18,500 examples
11 hours of recordings

The Extreme English Intermediate course is a set of 9,800 words at the intermediate level, also including business vocabulary. This course contains vocabulary items required for the following exams: Cambridge Preliminary English Test (PET), First Certificate in English (FCE) and Business English Certificate (BEC). This set of vocabulary is actively used by the native speakers of English and it allows the learner to communicate in a variety of situations common in a given language-speaking region, including business situations. Mastering this set of vocabulary items allows the learners to understand the spoken and written language and to talk about a wide range of concrete and abstract topics. These language skills correspond with the B1-B2 levels of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Extreme English Advanced

9,800 words that guarantee success on the CAE, IELTS and TOEFL exams
59,000 exercises
12,900 examples
10 hours of recordings

The Extreme English Advanced course is a set of 9,800 words at the advanced level, corresponding to well-developed linguistic skills and communicative competence of an educated native speaker. This course includes vocabulary items required for the following exams: Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE), International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Mastering this set of vocabulary items allows the learners to understand long and complex statements and texts and to formulate their own opinions on any given topics in a clear and coherent way. These skills correspond with the C1 level of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Extreme English Proficiency

5,500 words that will make you shine in the CPE, GRE, GMAT exams
22,000 exercises
6,150 examples
6 hours of recordings

The Extreme English Proficiency course is a set of 5,500 words at the very advanced level and contains low-frequency meanings and vocabulary that may be difficult to master even for native speakers. This course includes vocabulary items required for the following exams: Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) and verbal sections of Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) and Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT). Mastering this set of vocabulary items allows the learners to understand very complex and abstract statements and texts on any subject, as well as to express their own opinions fluently and distinguish subtle shades of meaning. These skills correspond with the C2 level of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Extreme English Grammar and Idioms in Use

7,400 exercises
10 hours of recordings
All the definitions and instructions in the course are in British English. If a word has a popular American English equivalent or spelling, it is listed among the synonyms. All the words and definitions in the course have been recorded by British native speakers.
Practice makes perfect!

The English Grammar & Idioms in Use course is a set of 7,400 exercises on subjects that are most difficult for learners of English. It contains 4 components: English Grammar, English Idioms, Irregular Verbs, Phrasal Verbs.

Minimum System Requirements:
Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
Internet Explorer 7.0 or above
512 MB RAM
sound card


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