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View Full Version : Snappy Driver Installer R156 Multilingual (x86/x64)

10-01-15, 12:24 PM
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Snappy Driver Installer R156 Multilingual (x86/x64) | 7.62 GB

Snappy Driver Installer is a program to install and update drivers from drayverpakov. Snappy Driver Installer uses drayverpaki made SamLab'om and go in a collection SamDrivers 14.14. Collection of drivers from SamLab for all 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems from Windows 2000 to Windows 8.1 including server platforms.
The collection includes the most current drivers on the release date collected personally SamLab. Do not confuse this package with the driver-packs Bashrat - these drivers are newer and more stable. SamLab long been a member of the team Bashrat has the ability to know about all the problems of the other driver packages to create its own set of the most comprehensive and peaceful!

The main features of Snappy Driver Installer:
• Programming Language: C / C ++.
• The most advanced matching algorithm drivers among peers.
• Program weighs less than a megabyte, and does not require any third-party programs.
• High performance for indexing, searching for the driver installation.
• Support for uncompressed drivers.
• Create system images to emulate someone else's system to another PC.
• Warnings about possible attempts viruses infect the stick with the program.
• Ability to update the program and drayverpaki via the Internet (technology torrents).

What is this release differs from SamDrivers 14.14:
This distribution is made on the basis of SamDrivers 14.14 with the following features:
• Remove all third-party software (folder soft).
• Removed alternative programs to install the drivers.
• The distribution is formed as a folder instead ISO, which allows to select the drivers for booting.
• This distribution will be used for program updates and drayverpakov directly from Snappy Driver Installer. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the distribution is not only for users trackers, but also for those who drayverpaki downloads directly from the program ..

Why should I use this program instead of DriverPack Solution:
• To install the drivers recommend using Snappy Driver Installer and below will explain why.

• BadPointer (software developer Snappy Driver Installer) previously worked on DriverPack Solution (DPS), so he knows the possibilities of DPS, as well as its limitations. DPS is written in javascript, which is very slow and contains many restrictions. Since DPS should work even under the outdated IE 6.0, use the new efficient design of the latest browsers inadmissible in order to avoid the appearance of a variety of scripting errors when you run on older IE.

• It should be noted that all current code selection and installation DPS written BadPointer'om and since he stopped working on DPS, no one has devised DPS, as those who remained in the DPS did not have a sufficient understanding of the code and, accordingly, could fix it. Therefore, over the last year in DPS changes mainly affect the interface kit and additional software, and chronic problems DPS (such as installing Intel USB 3.0, Tatsch on the desktop, selecting the sound driver) remained unresolved all this time and now hardly ever be corrected .

• Snappy Driver Installer was originally developed alone BadPointer'om as DPS rewriting from scratch in C / C ++. But in the end it was decided to promote it regardless of the DPS and under a different name.

• In Snappy Driver Installer has corrected the problems with the selection of drivers, a complete programming language C / C ++ achieves an order of magnitude higher performance and stability due to the absence of any dependencies like IE. Snappy Driver Installer produces a high-quality selection of drivers by taking into account many more drivers and characteristics of the devices and drivers for the implementation of ranking the degree of compatibility, while the DPS could prematurely discarded and the driver did not know how to compare the drivers from different drayverpakov.

Let's compare three of the installer that are available on SamDrivers:
• DriverPack Solution (DPS)
• Drivers Installer Assistant (DIA)
• Snappy Driver Installer (SDI)

The size of the program
• DPS - 34 MB (291 files)
• DIA - 44 MB (189 files)
• SDI - 1,3 MB (43 files) without translation and the - less than one MB (one file).

• DPS - Depends on IE. May fail to IE6.0. Leaves entries in the registry and can change the logo OEM (assembly SamDrivers is disabled).
• DIA - Depends on the library vbscript and automatically installs them into the system.
• SDI - has no external dependencies and even works in Windows PE. Leaves no traces in the system.

time indexing
• DPS - 280 seconds (4:40)
• DIA - 123 seconds (2:03)
• SDI - 19 seconds (13 seconds indexing and compression 6 seconds)

Note: DPS and DIA recovered and only handles inf files (volume 1.2 GB), and SDI - inf files and in addition to another cat files. The total volume of all the files - 2 GB. Thus, SDI is necessary to treat a much greater volume of information.

Program startup
• DPS - 10 sec
• DIA - 3 seconds
• SDI - 0,5 sec

The method of installing the drivers
• DPS - devcon.exe. Identical installation through Device Manager.
• DIA - DPInst.exe. Decides which drivers to update and may refuse to install the appropriate driver. Copies files yourself that sometimes leads to an incomplete installation.
• SDI - Win32API. Identical installation through Device Manager. Automatically clicks "continue" when installing unsigned drivers.

ranking of drivers
• DPS - For each device is selected only one driver. The rest are eliminated at an early stage and are not even mentioned in the logs.
• DIA - to create a common list of suitable drivers within drayverpak. Ranking of drivers from different drayverpakov not performed.
• SDI - For each device creates a list of all the drivers found drayverpak. The list is sorted so that the most appropriate drivers are closer to the top, and the first driver just offered to the default setting.

Downloading from the Internet drayverpakov
• DPS - Configurator allows you to choose what you need to download drayverpaki. Update drayverpakov and the need to update the definition is not provided.
• DIA - None.
• SDI - It is possible to upgrade the program and drayverpaki (old replaced by new ones). If the load indices, we can determine what drayverpaki contain the latest drivers and download them only.

How to burn to DVD collection:
To write assembly on DVD does not necessarily create an ISO image (although you can do it), since the program Man About Town and regular means Windows for recording CDs are able to record directly from a folder.

1. Run the program and expose the desired settings.
2. Take away the folder logs.
3. If you are recording on a single-layer DVD disc, you should delete the folder drivers:
4. Transfer files to a DVD, and then click "Write these files to CD".

Changes v.R156 from 01.01.2015:
• If you try to close the window during installation window appears asking you to confirm stopping the installation.
• In the fall program in the log file is now recorded for the last unsaved messages.
• log file is saved immediately before the installation that it was the last information about installing the driver in the event of loss BSOD.
• Some changes in the log for more convenience.
• Number of dedicated drivers on the "Install" button is not always time to redraw.
• When you choose a logo, revision number, and the Information panel on the system mouse pointer changes to a hand, indicating that this element can be clicked.
• Updated to version 9.36 7zip. Changed a couple of lines in comparison with 9.35
• Updated list of large drayverpakov in accordance with SamDrivers 14.14.

System requirements:
• Any version of Windows from Windows 2000 to 8.1 (32bit-64bit)

Information about the software:
Release Date: January 1, 2015
Title: Snappy Driver Installer R156
Version: v.R156 1.01.2015
Developer / Author assembly: SamLab / BadPointer
Bit depth: 32bit + 64bit
Language: Russian, English and others.
License: Freeware

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