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View Full Version : Coreldraw Graphics Suite X7 v17.3.0.772 Special Edition (26.12.2014)

27-12-14, 04:48 AM
Coreldraw Graphics Suite X7 v17.3.0.772 Special Edition (26.12.2014)

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Coreldraw Graphics Suite X7 v17.3.0.772 Special Edition | 1.98 GB

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 - new graphics package that allows you to confidently move forward any graphic project. Sharp tools, the **** on the market compatible files and updated content will help bring creative ideas into professional results, from the colorful logos and signs to the extraordinary marketing materials and attractive web graphics.
It consists of vector graphics CorelDRAW X7, raster graphics editor PHOTO-PAINT X7, a program for transforming raster images into vector Corel PowerTRACE X7, a program for creating screenshots Corel CAPTURE X7, as well as e-book to work with the package CorelDRAW Handbook. This package combines the full range of excellent design capabilities, speed and ease of use.
The package provides a complete set of tools for creating illustrations, logos, brochures, newsletters, advertisements, booklets and publicity boards and is the **** graphics solution. This software package is perfect for creating new trends in the fashion industry and the development of designer clothes. Create intricate designs and distribute them to the image field will help you a powerful arsenal of tools. CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT significantly expanded its capabilities over previous versions, and analogs of the software industry.

Upgraded User Interface
Opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues and clients in real time
Advanced and powerful solution for transforming raster images into
vector graphics
Maximize color matching applications in Corel and Microsoft
Matching colors in Corel and Adobe
Improved integration with Windows Vista
Changed dialog box "Create a template"
80 professionally designed templates
New, editable material
Expedited process layout and text editing
Formatting text in real time
Mirror paragraph text
Support for RAW files
Straighten images
Improved dialog "color curve"
Finished page size

System requirements:
Windows 8 / 8.1 or Windows 7 (64-bit) with the latest service pack
Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64
1 - 3 GB of free hard disk space
Screen Resolution 1280 768 and above
Mouse or tablet
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher

What's new in version

New and enhanced features

CorelDRAW Premium Members can take advantage of the following features.
With the revamped Knife (Premium) tool in CorelDRAW, you can split vector objects, text, and bitmaps. You can split single objects or groups of objects along straight, freehand, or Bzier lines.
The new Border and Grommet dialog box in CorelDRAW lets you add borders and grommet markers to prepare banners for printing.
With the enhanced Straighten Image dialog box in CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT, you can correct perspective distortions in photos that have straight lines and flat surfaces such as architectural photos and photos of buildings.
The Gaussian Blur special effect in Corel PHOTO-PAINT is available as a lens that lets you blur images non-destructively.
The CorelDRAW X7 User Guide and Corel PHOTO-PAINT X7 User Guide are now available as eBooks. Published to the EPUB and MOBI file format, the eBooks bring the most comprehensive and up-to-date information about product features to your eBook reader.
Additional Premium content (photos, templates and fonts) is provided.

The following features are available to all CorelDRAW members.
The Welcome screen in CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT gives you quick and easy access to the Discovery Center, which offers a wide variety of creative and instructional content.
The Insights from the Experts series features the new tutorial Visual Branding by Joe Diaz.

Performance improvements

The following areas feature performance improvements (formerly released in service packs).

In CorelDRAW, using the Crop image option in the Straighten Image dialog box no longer leaves white areas around the image.

The Fill picker remembers the last selected fill category when you apply fills from the Content Exchange.

Curves in imported AutoCAD files are no longer converted to circles.
Exporting to PDF:
Ellipses with transparencies applied no longer appear clipped in the exported PDF files.
When you export CorelDRAW X6 files to PDF with CorelDRAW X7, transparencies are fully preserved in the PDFs.

In the Export to PNG dialog box, objects with spot colors and tint applied no longer appear with a checkered pattern.
PDF files generated with Cairo open properly in CorelDRAW.
Fountain fills with spot colors are exported correctly in PDF and EPS files, and when printed to PostScript.

You can now browse your UsersPublicDocumentsCorelContent X7Photo Frames folder and apply photo frames to bitmaps from the Frame dialog box in CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT.
PowerClip effects that contain transparencies appear correctly when you export or print the document.
When you convert to curves objects with envelope effects applied, the Envelope tool and property bar remain active.
You can apply envelope effects to objects that were converted to curves.

In Corel PHOTO-PAINT, the Object> Rotate > 90 Clockwise and Object> Rotate > 90 Counterclockwise commands work as expected.
When you edit table borders, only the selected borders are modified.

The Automatically adjust frame width option in the Column Settings dialog box works as expected when you change the number of columns in text frames.
When working with Arabic or Hebrew text, you can use Ctrl + Shift to switch text direction from left to right and vice versa.

Using the Shape tool, you can select a node handle and then move it with the arrow keys.
The Pen and Bzier tools no longer freeze momentarily when you place nodes while drawing.

Workspaces and customization
A script error no longer occurs after you start and close the application several times.
When you open legacy files, any custom swatch names for process colors are preserved.
You can use the Enter key when changing settings in the Color dialog box.
The workspace no longer shifts slightly while the application is performing a task.
The in-product messaging service respects the offline status of workstations.

Language: English


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