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View Full Version : ABBYY Lingvo x6 Professional Full (24.12.2014)

24-12-14, 07:17 PM
ABBYY Lingvo x6 Professional Full (24.12.2014)

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ABBYY Lingvo x6 Professional Full RePack by KpoJIuK | 1.41GB
Multilingual registered version!

Software package ABBYY Lingvo is rich in lexical base and a set of functions for convenient and high-quality translation. With ABBYY Lingvo millions of users around the world were able to see that the professional translation of words and phrases in seconds - it is reality. The new version of the dictionary ABBYY Lingvo x6 embodies advanced, including interactive opportunities for meaningful and dynamic language learning, work and leisure. ABBYY Lingvo x6 published in home and professional versions. Home Edition combines general education, grammar, dictionaries and phrasebooks. And Professional includes all the dictionaries home version, as well as thematic dictionaries, covering the most popular areas - economics, medicine, law, electronics, banking, sports and others. If necessary, users can release the Home purchase a set they need specialized dictionaries.

Possibilities ABBYY Lingvo X6:
Translation from 19 languages ????and vice versa. Translation from English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Finnish, Chinese, Latin, Turkish, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Tatar, Polish, Hungarian, Danish and Norwegian into Russian and vice versa; from English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, and on the back.
Easy to use, fast interface. Save time when searching for a translation with the new easy interface ABBYY Lingvo. In the dictionary card has a search bar so you do not need to go back to the main window to see the translation of another word. Search string itself made ????by analogy with the popular search engines: when you enter the word autocompletion works, and if the word is typed incorrectly, in line replacement options appear.
Quality dictionaries with examples of usage. Learn translation of the word, its synonyms, antonyms, idioms values ????and fixed expressions for 19 languages, as well as select the most appropriate translation among the examples of the use of words in a detailed dictionary of general vocabulary, phrasebook, slang dictionaries and phrasebooks. Numerous examples of the use of words and search for them and will help to express your thoughts in a foreign language, apply appropriate in this context, the word or phrase in the correspondence, writing articles and other texts. Also this will help specialized dictionaries such as >words in context. Russian-English dictionary catalog for Russian authors of English texts. > Search by title entries, translations, comments and examples to help get as much information about your favorite word in a visual form. The program contains a detailed English Dictionary Oxford Dictionary of English and academic Dictionary Collins Cobuild with the current English vocabulary.
Grammar course Oxford. Perfect knowledge of English grammar course with Oxford >Test it, Fix it> (for levels Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate). The course is excellent for self-study and is based on the principle of >learn from our mistakes.> To start training, you need to choose a theme, perform exercises on it and check the answers. The program will show how the right answers, and those in which mistakes were made, and will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the grammatical rules of the selected item.
Thematic dictionaries. Pick accurate translation industry in terms of thematic dictionaries on law, economics, finance, marketing, banking and business vocabulary, engineering, construction and architecture, oil and gas, chemistry, medicine, biology, and other fields.
Access to the online-based examples of the use of words. If you have Internet connection ABBYY Lingvo x6 also provides access to an extensive online based translation in English, German and French. The program shows examples of modern usage of words and phrases in sentences of the artistic and technical literature, legislative and legal documents from the websites. With this database, you can choose the exact translation of the word, learn how to express your thoughts, determine whether or not used in a speech certain turnover, find new translations and examples of their use. Translation memory database now contains more than 1 million sentences and growing.
Translation by pointing in any application. Get instant translation, moving the cursor to the word on the site, picture, letter, subtitles to the movie or PDF-files. From the window of translation to restore, you can quickly add the word to the application for memorizing words and watch and listen to the transcription of his pronunciation by native speakers.
Application for memorizing words. Expand your vocabulary for any of the languages ????represented in the program with the application ABBYY Tutor, regularly paying just a few minutes learning new words. With the help of special exercises included in the Tutor, you can memorize the value spelling and pronunciation of words. To make this process more efficient, set the schedule and the program will run exercises on schedule. The application contains a complete dictionary of basic vocabulary in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese. Words in these dictionaries are most frequently used in modern language and are divided by topics (business vocabulary, weather, attractions, etc.).
Other possibilities for learning foreign languages. Listen to the pronunciation of words by native speakers. Articulated examples are available for English, French, German, Spanish, Ukrainian and Russian languages. Check the spelling of the verb form of the word in the table. Look up words in the dictionary training Collins Cobuild, also contains examples of the use of words, grammatical information and additional information on the frequency of words and synonyms. Use grammar reference English.
Custom dictionaries to work and study. In addition to the existing dictionaries, ABBYY Lingvo x6 allows you to create your own dictionaries to study and work. Training - to secure the material covered and expand vocabulary, and professional - to preserve the unity of terminology when translating corporate materials and specialized documentation. When creating your own dictionaries have the ability to add illustrations in dictionary card. This will help to achieve better translation of highly specialized and multi-valued terms in thematic texts and give interactive learning process by making it more fun. Users of previous versions of the product will be able to move the previously created dictionaries in the new version.

Changes in version X6:
New user-friendly interface: all the results in a single window. Now all the work with Lingvo is concentrated in a single window. All results transfers or search are displayed in separate tabs general results window. In ABBYY Lingvo x6 you can translate words and phrases, introducing them into the search box directly in the results without having to switch to the main application window. Autocomplete allows you to enter the correct word is not entirely by selecting it from a list proposed by the first letter of options, and if the search word typed with an error, suggest the correct options.
High speed application. The results of the translation or the search are displayed in two times faster than the previous version. Program runs five times faster than the previous version.
A new level of learning English with ABBYY Tutor Grammar. ABBYY Tutor Grammar - is an application for interactive learning grammar, based on modern grammar course for levels Pre-intermediate and Intermediate Publisher Oxford University Press. The course is excellent for self-study and is based on the principle of >learn from our mistakes.> To start training, you need to choose a theme, perform exercises on it and check the answers. The program will show how the right answers, and those in which mistakes were made, and will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the grammatical rules of the selected item.
New and updated dictionaries. In ABBYY Lingvo x6 included 20 new and updated 7 dictionaries.
Russian-English dictionary catalog for Russian authors of English texts (Dictionary of English Collocations)
English-Russian dictionary for the brewing industry
The English-Russian Dictionary of Economics and Management
Italian-Russian Dictionary of Common Words
Abbreviations nominations in the foreign-language literature on the food industry
German-Russian People's Dictionary
English-Russian People's Dictionary
Germany. Dictionary of
English-Russian Index to the Russian-English dictionary >Microeconomics, game theory, decision theory, management> and the Anglo-Russian dictionary addition >Obshchetehnichesky and special abbreviations and units of measurement>
Russian-English dictionary >Microeconomics, game theory, decision theory, management>
German-Russian dictionary of milk and milk products
German-Russian Index to the Dictionary of pulp and paper production
English-Russian Index to the Dictionary of pulp and paper production
French-Russian Index to the Dictionary of pulp and paper production
Russian-German dictionary for pulp and paper production
Russian-French dictionary for pulp and paper production
Russian-English Dictionary of pulp and paper production
Synonyms dictionary of the Ukrainian language
Updated German-Russian Dictionary of transport technology and service equipment
Illustrated English-Russian Dictionary of transport technology and service equipment
English-Russian Dictionary
Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary
Spanish-Russian dictionary of modern usage
Danish-Russian, Russian-Danish Dictionary
A large German-Russian Dictionary
Spanish-Russian, Russian-Spanish dictionary
Polish-Russian, Russian-Polish dictionary

Full version features:
Type: Installation
Languages: Multi, there are Russian
Treatment: held

Command line options:
Silent install: / S / Q
Selecting a location: / D For example: install.exe / S / Q / D = C: MyProgram

System requirements:
Microsoft Windows 8 / 8.1, 7, Vista, Server 2003, XP (Service Pack 3), Server 2003, 2008, 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012/2012 R2.
OS must support the Cyrillic alphabet. Necessary component of Windows Installer version 3.0 and above.
At least 512 MB of RAM
From 500 MB to 4 GB of free hard disk space, depending on the version of ABBYY Lingvo x5
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 / 7.0 / 8.0 / 9.0


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