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View Full Version : Gemcom GEMS v6.5 (23/11/14)

23-11-14, 11:10 PM
Gemcom GEMS v6.5 (23/11/14)

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Gemcom GEMS v6.5 | 923 Mb

Gemcom GEMS - Mining and Geological system for large mining industry. The system comprises several functional modules, each of which can be used both independently and in conjunction with others. The most powerful version of the network and the client-server architecture GEMS SQL.

-Maintaining a database of geological data;
-Statistical analysis of geological information;
-Reserve calculation by different methods (polygons, inverse distance, ordinary kriging, indicator kriging, Multiple kriging method, weighted by wireframe et al.);
-Building block of the geological model;
-Detailed surveying data processing;
-Design and planning of mining operations;
-Construction of models of the actual workings according surveyor surveys;
-Perspective and operational planning of mining operations;
-Optimization of final pit outline and schedule of mining operations;
-Creation and maintenance of mining and graphic documentation.


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