18-10-14, 05:40 PM
chạy hết query nhưng tạo nhân vật xong chọn thì hiện lỗi thế này
Lỗi Query: select Class, cLevel, LevelUpPoint, pointdutru, Money, Resets, NoResetInDay, TopMonth10, Relifes, khoado, IsThuePoint, point_event, UyThac, PointUyThac, uythacoffline_stat, uythacoffline_time, Top50, UyThacOffline_Daily, point_event, event1_type1, event1_type2, event1_type3 FROM Character WHERE AccountID='amocthong1' AND Name='asdasdsad'
Lỗi Query: select Class, cLevel, LevelUpPoint, pointdutru, Money, Resets, NoResetInDay, TopMonth10, Relifes, khoado, IsThuePoint, point_event, UyThac, PointUyThac, uythacoffline_stat, uythacoffline_time, Top50, UyThacOffline_Daily, point_event, event1_type1, event1_type2, event1_type3 FROM Character WHERE AccountID='amocthong1' AND Name='asdasdsad'