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20-09-14, 01:50 AM
InventorCAM 2014 SP4 Win32| Win64

InventorCAM 2014 SP4 Win32 & Win64
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InventorCAM 2014 SP4 Win32 & Win64 | 1.8 Gb
SolidCAM, the leaders in Integrated CAM, has released InventorCAM 2014, its integrated CAM solution for Autodesk Inventor. The new release has more than 100 new enhancements across all its modules: iMachining 2D and 3D, 2.5D Milling, HSS, HSR/HSM, Sim 5X, Turning, Advanced Mill-Turn for multi-turret and multi-spindle machines, as well as a new module called Solid Probe.

InventorCAM 2014 SP4 Win32 & Win64
For its 2.5D Milling module, additional toolbox roughing and finishing operations have been added, while threading and engraving operations have been enhanced. The HSS complementary module for surface machining has also been upgraded with lead-in ramping options.
The 3D Milling solution, comprising the high speed roughing (HSR) and high speed machining (HSM) modules, has new algorithms that provide additional strategies and benefits including Hybrid Machining and faster multi-core calculation. New tilting options have been added and improvements made to the SWARF, 5X Drill and Convert HSM to Sim 5X operation, which converts 3-axis machining to 5-axis machining.
In addition, three new operations have been added to the Sim5x module. The new multi-blade machining operation handles impellers and bladed disks, with multiple strategies to efficiently rough and finish each part of these complex shapes. The Port machining operation is a method for machining ports with lollipop milling tools. The new Contour 5-axis machining strategy tilts the tool along a chained 3D profile according to defined tilt lines, making it ideal for debarring and trimming, the company says.
With the iMachining 3D module, users can automatically produce a complete, ready to run CNC program, with optimal cutting conditions, for 3D Parts, the company says. This is achieved by the software’s expert Knowledge-based Technology Wizard, roughing and rest roughing a complete 3D part, with true scallop on all slopes, all in a single operation.
The iMachining 3D tool path is automatically adjusted to avoid collisions between the holder and the updated stock at every stage.
The new Solid Probe module enables the user to do the setup and to perform part measurement cycles during machining. Additionally, it supports tool presetters and tool breakage detection. Machining operations and Probe operations are intermixed in the CAM manger, using the same geometry. Should the solid model change, both the machining and probe operations automatically synchronize to the change.
About SolidCAM Inc.
SolidCAM Inc. is a world leader in advanced tool path generation technology (CAM) running directly inside SolidWorks. SolidCAM features a full line of CNC machine programming software solutions ranging from 2 axis lathes and 3 axis mills to extremely complex multi-axis MillTurn machines and Wire Edm. All products run directly inside SolidWorks and provide the user with a true "SolidWorks look and feel" for ease of use and maximum efficiency. Along with the integrated interface and scalability for new machines, SolidCAM also has its patented "iMachining" that powers users to new levels of productivity and profits, through unmatched cycle time reduction and unrivaled tool life.

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