23-06-13, 11:34 AM
Sever này mình đc 1 người share,nhưng hình như phải có key hay là đăng kí gì đó mới dùng được,pro nào có biết về cái này xin cho thêm chút hướng dẫn
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
23-06-13, 11:53 AM
Sever này mình đc 1 người share,nhưng hình như phải có key hay là đăng kí gì đó mới dùng được,pro nào có biết về cái này xin cho thêm chút hướng dẫn
<b><font color=red>[Chỉ có thành viên mới xem link được. <a href="register.php"> Nhấp đây để đăng ký thành viên......</a>]</font></b>
sv 11.70.24 :-" , winlic =)))))))))))))
thông tin :
Titans Tech - Custom Features in GAME for players.
+ Bot Pet - Custimized PETS for players with trade features and skills, its level as an character companion, fully customized.
+ Bot Pet 2 - Same as before, BUT doesnt have items by default or skills, its levels as an character plus evolutions and related, fully customized.
+ Bot Buffer - You can make your BB buff characters like Elf Guardian using any buff skill, fully customized.
+ Bot Alchemist - You can move attributes from a item to another item, fully customized.
+ Bot Store - You can create NPCS from the tin air with store capabilities, fully customized.
+ Bot Trader - Its an mix system, fully customized.
+ Bot Hide and Seek - No need an GM for teleport and play hide and seek with your players, with this bot is done, fully customized.
+ Custom Quests - You can add custom quests to your server, fully customized.
+ Custom Vip System - Accounting system for VIP, fully customized.
+ Custom Reset System - Custom reset with LOT OF FEATURES, fully customized.
+ Marry System - Marry system, unique and stable, fully customized with married NPC's.
+ Gens Close Map Event - Battle of two factions, duprian and vanert for the control of an map, fully customized.
+ Blue Event - White rabbit event, fully customized.
+ Boss Attack Event - Invasion of X monsters, fully customized.
+ Green Event - Lets rain some excellent from the sky's, fully customized.
+ Halloween Event - You get an nice event for halloween with lot of fun and items, fully customized.
+ Happy Hour Event - More exp and drop for your players, fully customized.
+ Hit and Up Event - Hit and up is an event make to fast level characters, from 1 to 2 or more levels by kill, fully customized.
+ Sky Event - Play on the sky, the most old and nice event in mu, fully customized.
+ Summer Attack Event - The invasion of Fire Flame Ghost from Webzen with extra features.
+ Swamp Attack Event - Swap official event from Webzen with extra features.
+ XMas Event - Santa's Map with NPC's and items.
+ Lucky Penny System - exchange Coin of Luck items.
+ Anti-AFK System - Prevent long AFK in maps.
+ Anti-Flood System - Prevent attackers from DDoS.
+ Auto-Exp System - AutoExp for players AFK in maps.
+ News System - Annoucements and news from your server.
Titans Tech - Custom Features Server Side for Administrators.
+ Links Checker System - Auto reconnect of services for GameServer.
+ Customized event timers - Like EventManagement.dat but for all other events.
+ Renamed Shops for easy configuration and events item bags.
+ Dedicated folders for events, shop, monsters and each config.
+ Less bandwith usage for Game Client, 1.5kb usage for each client connection.
+ Less memory usage on GameServer.
+ Titans Tech Data Server, supports all features of new game clients.
- 80% of less memory usage than official DS.
+ Titans Tech Join Server, no stuck accounts, md5 or plain password support.
- 80% of less memory usage than official DS.
+ Titans Tech Connect Server with Gold Channel support.
- 80% of less memory usage than official DS.
+ Titans Tech SCFExDB, its replaces EventServer and Ranking Server with other additions.
AND over 2000 config variables so you can custom your server (basic global like configuration is by default).
Titans Tech - Basic client support.
+ Latest Global Main with multilanguage support, spanish, english, portuguese and more.
+ Auto Update with Titans Tech Connect Server working.
+ No MOD, easy to hook and CLEAN.
Titans Tech - Custom Main a.k.a Crystal Edition:
+ Latest Global Main with multilanguage support, spanish, english, portuguese and more.
+ 3D View
+ Custom Jewels
+ Custom Items (With Custom Glow)
+ Custom Wings
+ Custom VIP Shop
------------------------------------------------------- MuOnline Features Added on this version -------------------------------------------------------
+ Lucky system from Season 6 Episode 2 fully working, as original.
+ Cash Shop from Season 6 Episode 2 fully working, as original, plus new additions.
+ New Mu Helper from webzen.
+ New Character "Rage Fighter" MORE INFO
- Rage Righter evolve to Fist Master
- Rage Righter 11 New Skills 100% Global-Like - with original & Attributes a& special effects/buffs
+ Rage Fighter 2 New Capes
+ Rage Fighter 4 New Sets 3 normal Sets & one level 380 Set
+ 2 New Maps - Kalrutan 1 and 2
+ 8 New Mobs for Kalrutan Map with special New Skills for Monsters
+ Completely New Master Skill Tree with New Master Skills MORE INFO
+ New Summoner Socket Set & 2 Sticks - Eternal Wings Set/Stick & Divine of Archangel Stick.
+ Expansion of Inventory and Warehouse
+ New Trade Feature - when trade you can right click on an item and auto-move it to trade window
+ Gens Chat System - now players that joined the gens can talk with each other in global chat (through all severs use: $message)
+ New Jewels Packaging upto 30 Units:
- Jewel of Chaos
- Jewel of Life
- Jewel of Creation
- Jewel of Harmony
- Jewel of Guardian
- Low Refining Stone
- High Refining Stone
+ New Ancient Items
- 3 new Rage Fighter Ancient Sets
- 2 new Blade Knight Ancient Sets
- 2 new Elf Ancient Sets
- 1 new Magic Gladiator Ancient Set
- 2 new Dark Wizard Ancient Sets
- 2 new Summoner Ancient Sets
- 1 new Dark Lord Ancient Set
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
+ Max Stats: 65000 HOT
+ 6 Characters - fully working
+ Summoner Class - fully working (Full/Original Skill Tree)
+ 3 Classed Evaluation - BK/DW/ELF/Summoner
+ 2 Classes Evaluation - MG/DL
+ Devil Square 7 & Blood Castle 8 - with Master Level
+ Fenrir - Red, Blue, Black, Golden combination & Pets
+ Dark Lord Pets - 100% working
+ Halloween event
+ Ancient Sets - All original (including S5 Ep4 AND S6 EP2), Set Options
+ Chaos Castle - with Master level
+ Items upgrade up to +15 - NEW GLOW FOR +14/+15 Items
+ All item options up to +28
+ BK Blow of Destruction Combo
+ Castle Siege event - 100% working
+ Harmony System up to +13 Items
+ Raklion Hatchery Event
+ Socket System up to 5 level spheres
+ 380 level Items - Pink Options (pvp in CS)
+ New Golden Mobs - New from S5 Ep4
+ Fruits System
+ Season 4 & Season 5 skills AND Season 6 EP2 skills.
+ Illusion Temple Event - Original, full featured
+ Master Skill Tree for all classes
+ Medusa Boss
+ Third level Wings for all Classes
+ Kantru Event
+ Crywolf Event
+ Moss The Gambler - original.
+ Duel System & Duel Arena
+ Volcano Map
+ Cherry Blossom Quest - with rewards
+ Santa's Village
+ New Sets, Weapond & Shileds - Up to Season 5 Episode 4
+ New Maps' extensions & Mobs for them - Aida/Kanturu/Swamp of Calmness/Raklion
+ Loren Market Map
+ New small Wings system for Low level Characters
+ All new skill icons - Up to Season 5 Episode 4
+ Gents System - Full & original HOT
+ Gents Quest System - Full & original HOT
+ Imperial Guardian Fort Event - Full & original HOT
+ Double Goer (Doppleganger) Event - Full & original HOT
+ Kalima 1-7
+ White Wizard Event
+ Loren Deep Event MORE INFO
+ New Year Day Event MORE INFO
+ Quest System - Full & original for Season 5 Episode 4 and Season 6 Episode 2 FULL
+ Elf Buffer Npc
+ Red Dragon Invasion
+ Battle Soccer
+ Chocolate Box - Blue, Red, Pink
+ Candy Box - Lilac, Vermillon, Deep Blue
+ Ribbon Box MORE INFO
+ Firecracker
+ Heart of Love
+ Gold Medals & Silver Medals
+ Star of Sacred Rebirth
+ GM Box
+ Ring of Warrior for level 40 and 80
+ All in Game Pets MORE INFO
+ Chaos Card MORE INFO
+ And Many More
* Quests Wz Normal/Evo
* Quests Season 5 ~ Season 6.3
* Custom Quests - Make your own quest with our unique system/script lang for Custom Quests - Up to 256 Quests)
* WZ (GMO) Cash Shop
* Reset InGame
* Socket Items
* Lucky Items
* Auto Learn Skill
* Skill Tree for All Seasons
* Multi Warehouse
* Expanded Warehouse
* Expanded Inventory
* Black List (GS Firewall + GS Auto-AntiFlood) - Prevent attackers from DDoS and Others.
* Gens
* Marry - Marry system, unique and stable, fully customized with married NPC's.
* PCPoints
* Spawn Monsters InGame + Save Monsters
* Chaos Card
* Unique GM System
* Unique PvP System
* Reset - Custom reset with LOT OF FEATURES, fully customized.
* Reset Master - Custom reset with LOT OF FEATURES, fully customized (For Master Characters (3rd Evo)).
* Anti-AFK (In Game) - Prevent long AFK in maps.
* News - Annoucements and news from your server.
* Extra-Exp
* Auto-Exp - AutoExp for players AFK in maps.
* WZ Official Helper (GMO Auto Click Bot)
* Custom VIP - Accounting system for VIP, fully customized + VIPShop Bag (Command).
* Duel
* Battle Soccer
* Blood Castle
* Blue Event - White rabbit event, fully customized.
* Boss Attack - Invasion of X monsters, fully customized.
* Castle Siege
* Chaos Castle
* Cherry Blossom Event/System
* CryWolf
* Devil Square
* Double Goer (Doppel Ganger)
* Gens Close Map - Battle of two factions, duprian and vanert for the control of an map, fully customized.
* Golden Invasion 1
* Golden Invasion 2
* Green Event - Increase the probability of drop excellent items in server.
* Halloween - You get an nice event for halloween with lot of fun and items, fully customized.
* Happy Hour - More exp and drop for your players, fully customized.
* Hide And Seek Bot/Event
* Hit and Up - Hit and up is an event make to fast level characters, from 1 to 2 or more levels by kill, fully customized.
* Kalima
* Kanturu
* Illusion Temple
* Imperial Guardian
* Loren Deep
* Lucky Penny Event/System - exchange Coin of Luck items.
* Moss Merchant
* Racer Bot/Event
* Rain Item
* Raklion
* Red Dragon Invasion
* Sky Event - Play on the sky, the most old and nice event in mu, fully customized.
* Summer Event - The invasion of Fire Flame Ghost from Webzen with extra features.
* Swamp Event - Swap official event from Webzen with extra features(Official + Custom Event).
* White Wizzard Invasion
* XMas Event - Santa's Map with NPC's and items (Official + Custom Event).
* Bot Alchemist - You can move attributes from a item to another item, fully customized.
* Bot Buffer - You can make your BB buff characters like Elf Guardian using any buff skill, fully customized.
* Bot Hide And Seek - No need an GM for teleport and play hide and seek with your players, with this bot is done, fully customized.
* Bot Pet 1 - Custimized PETS for players with trade features and skills, its level as an character companion, fully customized.
* Bot Pet 2 - Same as before, BUT you can give him items or skills, its levels as an character plus evolutions and related, fully customized.
* Bot Racer - Make an special Race. You have start and end checkpoint, bot will stay days here, save all times in DB, when finish will give an item (with Bot Reward) to TOP X players
* Bot Reward - LIVE FEATURE: Give Rewards From DB to any player in game
* Bot Store - You can create NPCS from the tin air with store capabilities, fully customized.
* Bot Trader - Its an mix system, fully customized.
* Bot VipShop (Crystal Edition) - New Shop ingame excellent for all Servers (FULLY CUSTOM + SELL ITEMS PER DAY FEATURE!!)
* Bot Warper - Give him trade, he will Warp you to any point that you want.
Crystal Edition:
* Bot VipShop
* Ingame Special Shop
* Custom Tab (With Commands)
* Custom Wings
* Custom Items (With Custom Glow)
* Custom Jewels (Full Custom)
* Crystal Wall - AntiCheat Client <=> Server
Titans Tech - Custom Features Server Side for Administrators:
* Customized event timers - Like EventManagement.dat but for all other events.
* Renamed Shops for easy configuration and events item bags.
* Dedicated folders for events, shop, monsters and each config.
* Less bandwith usage for Game Client, 1.5kb usage for each client connection.
* Less memory usage on GameServer.
* Titans Tech LinkServer (New App that have all WZ Programs + SCFExDB Inside - Except ChatServer)
+ 80% of less memory usage than official WZ or Other Teams Apps
* AND over 2000 config variables so you can custom your server (basic global like configuration is by default).
Titans Tech - Basic client support.
* Latest Global Main with multilanguage support, spanish, english, portuguese and more.
* Auto Update with Titans Tech Connect Server working.
* New Jewels Packaging upto 30 Units:
+ Jewel of Chaos
+ Jewel of Life
+ Jewel of Creation
+ Jewel of Harmony
+ Jewel of Guardian
+ Low Refining Stone
+ High Refining Stone
* New Ancient Items
+ 3 new Rage Fighter Ancient Sets
+ 2 new Blade Knight Ancient Sets
+ 2 new Elf Ancient Sets
+ 1 new Magic Gladiator Ancient Set
+ 2 new Dark Wizard Ancient Sets
+ 2 new Summoner Ancient Sets
+ 1 new Dark Lord Ancient Set
* Max Stats: 65000 HOT
* 6 Characters - fully working
* Summoner Class - fully working (Full/Original Skill Tree)
* 3 Classed Evaluation - BK/DW/ELF/Summoner
* 2 Classes Evaluation - MG/DL
* Fenrir - Red, Blue, Black, Golden combination & Pets
* Dark Lord Pets - 100% working
* Ancient Sets - All original (including S5 Ep4 AND S6 EP2), Set Options
* Items upgrade up to +15 - NEW GLOW FOR +14/+15 Items
* All item options up to +28
* BK Blow of Destruction Combo
* Castle Siege event - 100% working
* Harmony System up to +13 Items
* Raklion Hatchery Event
* Socket System up to 5 level spheres
* 380 level Items - Pink Options (pvp in CS)
* Fruits System
* Season 4 & Season 5 skills AND Season 6 EP2 skills.
* Illusion Temple Event - Original, full featured
* Master Skill Tree for all classes
* Medusa Boss
* Moss The Gambler - original.
* Volcano Map
* Cherry Blossom Quest - with rewards
* Santa's Village
* New Sets, Weapond & Shileds - Up to Season 5 Episode 4
* New Maps' extensions & Mobs for them - Aida/Kanturu/Swamp of Calmness/Raklion
* Loren Market Map
* New small Wings system for Low level Characters
* All new skill icons - Up to Season 5 Episode 4
* Gens System - Full & original HOT
* Gens Quest System - Full & original HOT
* New Year Day Event MORE INFO
* Quest System - Full & original for Season 5 Episode 4 and Season 6 Episode 2 FULL
* Elf Buffer Npc
* Chocolate Box - Blue, Red, Pink
* Candy Box - Lilac, Vermillon, Deep Blue
* Ribbon Box MORE INFO
* Firecracker
* Heart of Love
* Gold Medals & Silver Medals
* Star of Sacred Rebirth
* GM Box
* Ring of Warrior for level 40 and 80
* All in Game Pets MORE INFO
* Chaos Card MORE INFO
* And Many More
23-06-13, 12:08 PM
thông tin thì rõ nhiều
nói túm lại là: có gì hot ?
23-06-13, 12:10 PM
thông tin thì rõ nhiều
nói túm lại là: có gì hot ?
chẳng có gì hot cả :v
23-06-13, 12:15 PM
Làm sao để sài nó ^^! ,lại 30 char
23-06-13, 12:16 PM
Làm sao để sài nó ^^! ,lại 30 char
kêu thằng làm ra server bảo nó reg lic cho :-" or crack =))
23-06-13, 12:25 PM
Thì chủ yếu là post lên cho Pro nào crack dùm cái mờ ,crack cho mọi người sài ^^!
23-06-13, 12:26 PM
Thì chủ yếu là post lên cho Pro nào crack dùm cái mờ ,crack cho mọi người sài ^^!
server này có gì hot đâu mà phải crack :-?
23-06-13, 12:29 PM
Thì chủ yếu là post lên cho Pro nào crack dùm cái mờ ,crack cho mọi người sài ^^!
Nếu bạn biết crack liệu có chịu ngồi cả ngày làm xong rồi đi share lên cho n ta không za ... câu tl chắc ai cũng bik vì vậy đừng mong chờ vào điều này ^^
23-06-13, 12:39 PM
Với người khác thì mình ko biết,với mình thì mình nghĩ bình thường,nếu làm đc mình sẵn sàng share,share tất cả những gì mình biết ^^!
23-06-13, 01:31 PM
Với người khác thì mình ko biết,với mình thì mình nghĩ bình thường,nếu làm đc mình sẵn sàng share,share tất cả những gì mình biết ^^!
Xin vui lòng quay lại những topic thời 2011 hoặc 2012 > Cuộc tình share ăn gạch gần 50 trang trong topic........... và bạn sẽ hiểu sẵn sàng share hay share tất cả những gì mình biết hay đi ngược lại, sẵn sàng ẽm hàng và ẽm tất cả mình biết.
Xin vui lòng quay lại những topic thời 2011 hoặc 2012 > Cuộc tình share ăn gạch gần 50 trang trong topic........... và bạn sẽ hiểu sẵn sàng share hay share tất cả những gì mình biết hay đi ngược lại, sẵn sàng ẽm hàng và ẽm tất cả mình biết.
sunhide h đổi nghề rồi.=)).lâu lắm mới thấy.
25-06-13, 09:09 AM
Đây là Gameserver 11.70.24 tích hợp cánh 4 và cánh 2.5 của tomatoes . Nếu ai muốn dùng và có khả năng thì chỉ cần lấy cái Gameserver.exe mang về crack thôi , những cái khác nó là mặc định nguyên gốc của SCF chẳng có ý nghĩa gì khi sử dụng cả .
25-06-13, 10:36 AM
sunhide h đổi nghề rồi.=)).lâu lắm mới thấy.
mother ơi mình thì mu online , gunny , jx , kiếm thế nghề nào chả học... chỉ là dạo này âm thầm thôi bạn.
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