View Full Version : [JX] Hỏi lỗi build autoupdate!

28-09-12, 01:49 AM
Deleting intermediate files and output files for project 'AutoUpdateRes - Win32 Release'.
Deleting intermediate files and output files for project 'Autoupdate - Win32 Release'.
Deleting intermediate files and output files for project 'ExpandPackageStaticLib - Win32 Release'.
Deleting intermediate files and output files for project 'UpdateDLL - Win32 Release'.
--------------------Configuration: AutoUpdateRes - Win32 Release--------------------
Compiling resources...
E:\JX\swrod3\SwordOnline\Sources\AutoUpdateRes\res \AutoUpdateRes.rc (29): error RC2135 : file not found: ??????5.bmp
Error executing rc.exe.

AutoUpdateRes.dll - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
--------------------Configuration: Autoupdate - Win32 Release--------------------
Compiling resources...
E:\JX\swrod3\SwordOnline\Sources\Autoupdate\Autoup date.rc (269): error RC2135 : file not found: res\??????_????_??.bmp
Error executing rc.exe.

Jxonline.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

28-09-12, 03:12 AM
Rõ ràng là ghi thiếu file kìa. Thử thay file khác hoặc chuyển về Máy co Font xem !

28-09-12, 09:58 AM
thiếu file ảnh banner , và máy bạn cài font chưa thế :-?